Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program. Linus Torvalds.
I have run into interesting issue recently. I use in the project JPA + Hibernate + EJB. The issue concerns saving and deleting entities in the same transaction. Database table which is used has an unique constraint defined on two columns.
What I have done was removing entity calling
then the new entity has been added with the same values in two properties associated with columns used in the unique constraint but different values in other properties using:
Those two operations have been carried out in a single transaction and have been executed in the order as presented above. Removal first, addition second.
What turned out, the operations on the database were executed in the inverted order and unique constraint got violated. It looked like the new entity was added before removing the previous one.
Apparently, looking at JPA specification, it does not force implementations to execute operations on the database in the order they were added to the transaction.
To deal with the situation as above, JPA provides
method. Its responsibility is to synchronize persistence context to the underlying database.
So to avoid unique constraint violation you need to call flush() method after remove() method.
What is more, there is no risk that if the transaction is rolled back after calling flush() the entity will be removed anyway. flush() force the persistence context to be synchronized to the database, but the transaction is still not committed, except it is committed manually. If EJB layer is configured by default and JTA is used, then the transaction will be committed only after the methods returns from the EJB layer.
As promised in one of the previous posts, I carry on series concerning Groovy, Grails and Axon framework in this case. In Part I a few words have been written about Grails, CQRS and Axon.
In this part, the sample application using mentioned technologies and architecture is presented.
he application is developed in Grails. CQRS architecture is implemented with Axon framework support.
There are two simple use cases in the application:
entering new credit card transaction
canceling created credit card transaction
If you need some more information about technologies used come back to Part I. In this post I will mainly concentrate at the code base.
I will try to present the whole classes but in some cases they contain some less important code, not relevant to the CQRS, so I will skip that parts. However the entire project can be pulled from GitHub.
Let’s start with a quick project structure overview:
Picture 1. Project overview
ControllerCQRS architecture introduces division of application into two separate parts: one responsible for data persistence and domain logic and another one responsible for fetching data in order to present it to the user.
I decided to use Grails domain classes feature to implement the read part while implement the proper domain logic in the separate classes placed outside grails app in the src folder. So if you look in grails-app/domain/grails/cqrs it is the read model, while in src/grails/cqrs/domain write model is located.
The analysis will by done starting from the view part down to the backend.
Controller in Grails is a component handling requests and preparing a responses. In grails controllers are simple classes which names end in Controller. There are placed in the grails-app/controllers location.
Have a look at part of the CreditCardTransactionController:
class CreditCardTransactionController {
DefaultCommandGateway defaultCommandGateway;
Command Gateway is an interface to the command dispatching/handling mechanism. Axon provides CommandGateway interface containing signatures of methods responsible for sending commands synchronously, asynchronously, with timeout and so on. Obviously, you can implement that interface and provide own mechanism for dispatching command. However Axon provides default implementation DefaultCommandGateway which can be used straightaway.
In the controller we have two important methods: save and cancel. The are responsible for handling request for two basic use cases of the application: creating and canceling credit card transaction.
The first interesting thing is command parameter of each method. Command object in Grails when used as a controller parameter is a convenient way to pass request data. It uses data binding mechanism to bind request parameters to the command object properties. There is no need any more to get data from the request itself. What is more it allows data validation. It is also a mechanism to use when implementing command design pattern.
As an example have a look at the CreateTransactionCommand:
It contains request data, validation rules and id. Because of the fact that those commands will be dispatched to the backend they should have unique id. This id can be assigned in different parts of the application. I decided to assign it in the controller (line 12). It will be used as an aggregate identifier later on during command processing.
Command Gateway
Commands are sent to the command handling mechanism using mentioned earlier command gateway (line 13). Apart of simple send(Object command) method which sends command and returns immediately without waiting for command execution, CommandGateway provides also the following methods:
sends command and have the command result reported to the given callback
R sendAndWait(Object command)
sends command and waits for the command execution
R sendAndWait(Object command, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
sends command and waits for the command execution until the given timeout is reached
Come back for a moment to the controller and its cancel method. It is responsible for canceling credit card transaction. The problem here is that the read and write model need to be matched in some way. On the view we have data from read model (grails-app/domain) while command sent to the write model needs to identify the proper aggregate to update (delete in this case – it is only for presentation purpose, in the real world such case should not delete an aggregate).
The matching is done by write model which holds aggregate identifier.
Command Handler
So far we have sent command using command gateway. It is then forwarded to the appropriate command handler through command bus. Infrastructure, like command bus will be discussed a little bit later. Command handler is an object receiving command of the specified type.
Command handlers can be created by implementing CommandHandler interface which defines a single method Object handle(CommandMessage<T> command, UnitOfWork uow). Such command handler needs to be subscribed to/unsubscribed from the command bus manually.
I decided to use annotation based command handlers. In that case, command handler can be any POJO class with handle method annotated with CommandHandler annotation. That method as its first argument should declare command object. It is possible to add more arguments but the first one must be a command object.
I created two separate command handlers, one for each command type. Annotation based configuration allows to define multiple methods in one object, each handling specific command. What is more aggregate methods can be annotated as command handlers. For example aggregate constructor can be annotated @CommandHandler. Consequently, sending that command may result in creating a new aggregate.
In the sample application aggregate is created in the command handler itself and saved to the event store using repository.
Line 8 from the above listing is specific for Grails framework. I have needed to create simple Spring beans resolver because Grails dependency injection (based on Spring) does not inject dependencies into objects located outside grails-app.
Repository will be discussed later on during Spring configuration analysis since it is configured there.
As we have aggregate created and saved to the store, let’s have a look at its implementation:
The aggregate extends AbstractEventSourcedAggregateRoot which is a nice abstract class to extend by aggregates which are store in an event store. That class also tracks all uncommitted events. Moreover, it provides useful methods to initialize aggregate state based on the events retrieved from the event store.
As we can see in the configuration later on, events applied on the aggregate are stored on the file system in the folder with aggregate name. Each event is stored in separate file identified by event id:
Domain Event
As nowadays we live in the event driven environment, software, especially its domain model, which is intended to reflect the reality as perfectly as it is possible, should be event-driven as well. Going that path all important changes in the domain should be represented by events. Axon provides a special DomainEventMessage interface to be implemented by the objects representing such events.
The sample aggregate is applied two domain events: TransactionCreatedEvent and TransactionCancelledEvent. AbstractEventSourcedAggregateRoot interface provides a handle method (line 30) which responsibility is to handle events internally in the aggregate.
Event applied on the aggregate is dispatched on the event bus which forwards it to the applicable event listener.
class TransactionCreatedEvent {
String creditCardNumber
String creditCardCvvCode
String creditCardOwner
Date validDate
BigDecimal amount
Date transactionDate
TransactionCreatedEvent(UUID id,
String creditCardNumber,
String creditCardCvvCode,
String creditCardOwner,
Date validDate,
BigDecimal amount,
Date transactionDate) { = id
this.creditCardNumber = creditCardNumber
this.creditCardCvvCode = creditCardCvvCode
this.creditCardOwner = creditCardOwner
this.validDate = validDate
this.amount = amount
this.transactionDate = transactionDate
Domain event caries all the information which will be stored in the read part of the application. One important thing to notice is that it id property holding aggregate identifier.
Domain Event Listener
Finally, there is an event listener which handles events and persists data in the store from which data is retrieved and presented to the user.
Line <axon:annotation-config /> allows Axon to process annotation and accordingly turn objects with @EventHandler annotation into event handlers or @CommandHandler into command handlers for example. Obviously, such beans needs to be components managed by the Spring.
AnnotationCommandHandlerBeanPostProcessor defined in line 5 registers classes containing command handling methods with a command bus provided through commandBus property.
In the line 9 there is a command gateway definition. It receives reference to the command bus and list of interceptors through constructor arguments.
Event though I haven’t provided any command dispatch interceptors it is worth saying a few words about them. Their purpose is to modify command message before dispatching it to the command bus. Interceptors are executed only on the command handlers going through that particular gateway.
What can be done in the command dispatch interceptors? Validation for example or enriching command event with meta data.
Very significant element is defined in the line 16. It is an event store. In this case it is a file system based store. It stores events applied on the aggregates in the events folder.
Apart of the file system event store used in the example, Axon framework provides other event store implementations like JpaEventStore for example.
Lines 18 and 20 use Axon namespaces to define the command bus and the event bus.
Line 22 defines repository used to persist or load aggregates. EventSourcingRepository used in the sample automatically publish domain event to the event bus. In addition, it delegates event storage to the provided event store.
That is nearly all. As you can probably see from that simple example, Axon framework does brilliant job providing a perfectly designed infrastructure and architecture to support CQRS implementation.
A lot of boilerplate code is eliminated from the application and moved to the framework. That is exactly what we expect from the solid framework.
Apart of all the advantages which were mentioned in the Part I and more can be find in the Internet, I would like to stress one more thing. Having application separated into two loosely coupled parts: write and read, each one having own storage gives you an unique ability to switch off any of the parts without affecting another one.Think about a failure. It greatly reduces risk of the whole application going down.
In my opinion, that is another great advantage of CQRS architecture. Advantage sometimes underestimated.
JIRA agile, formerly known as GreenHopper (GreenHopper->JIRA Agile) has lots of nice features supporting agile planning during software development. This post involves th problem I have met using that feature.
During my everyday duties concerning Jira from time to time I come across the following concern. When adding issue to the Jira it does not appear on the agile board. Specifically on the board describing sprint backlog or productbacklog. It must be say that each agile board has corresponding filter which defines issues that are showed on the board. Obviously, I have always made sure that that problematic issue falls into the borders defined by the filter. What is more its status has been properly mapped in the configuration of the board. However, the issue still has not appeared on the board. What turns out after deep investigation is that the questionable issues are those which are created, opened and resolved and after that tried to being add to the proper agile board. In such scenario they do not appear on the board at all.
The proper steps should be as follows:
create issue
open issue
add issue to the board
optional statuses (in progress, etc.)
resolve issue
So the general rule is that issues should be added to sprint before they began.
In order to fix issues which has been already resolved, they need to be reopened, then added to the agile board and once again resolved.
I continue series of posts regarding Groovy and Grails. In the previous post there were some starter information about Groovy programming language. In this one and the next one I would like to present sample application built with Grails and Axon which demonstrates a basic usage of CQRS architecture.
Grails is a rapid application development framework for the JVM. It is largely built on top of the Spring framework, and in particular, a lot of it is built on top of Spring MVC. So if you’re building a web application that targets any other platform, Grails is not for you. Grails is specifically written as a framework for building JVM web applications.
There are lots of developer productivity gains that Grails has to offer. It’s very, very easy to quickly get an application up and running on the Grails framework because of a lot of things that Grails does to help with things like a convention over configuration and the sensible defaults. Literally, in a couple of minutes you can have a simple Grails application up and running. And from there Grails offers a lot to simplify the process of building serious enterprise web applications.
Firstly, let’s try to answer a simple question. Why we may need CQRS?
Scalability. It is definitely a hard problem.
What can we do if we need to handle a lot of concurrent connections?
One way to deal with it is using asynchronous concepts. Grails 2.3 has some async improvements. There is an API for doing async stuff. What is more Grails 2.3 introduces Promises, a concept similar to java.util.concurrent.Future instances.
That is one aspect, do async stuff using current programming model.
The other way to deal with scalability is changing completely an architecture. Here CQRS has his place. CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. It very often seems to be associated with Domain Driven Design. While Domain Driven Design is mainly focused on getting an application domain model right, CQRS is a wider concept.
The basic concept behind is that the part of the application that updates the database (call it write model) has different requirements that part which reads (call it read model) and reports to the user data from the database.
CQRS embeds that concept into application architecture. It clearly separates part that process commands and the one which queries data.
Someone may ask why we need such separation, why we need two storages in one application.
If we look closer at the two models (read and write) we notice that the requirements for them are different. The command part (write) is responsible for validating and execution of commands. Whereas the query part just reads data and transfers it to the view layer. Going further, storages for those parts can be optimized specifically for the particular purpose they serve. For example read storage can store denormalized data. What is more, database tables/documents can be design to serve particular view. So that no joining is needed. At the same time the write storage can persist data in normalized form. There are only a few examples which clearly justify the model CQRS provides.
When we get an update which comes in as an command (Grails supports that providing command objects), the command is processed by command handling component. Each command should have specific processing component. The command interacts with domain model. The domain model may change and the changes go to the persist model to be stored in the database. It does not need to be a database as we know it. In most cases it should be an Event Store.
The idea behind the Event Store is that the changes are stored to the database. As a result, we never loose information. Every change is persisted, we can go back, get audit trail, produce complicated reports and so on.
When persisting data in the write model a message is produced that triggers update in the other part of the application, the read model. The message is placed on the message/event bus. The update is done asynchronously. Then using the read model and the storage on that part of the application data is queried and presented to the user. Because of asynchronous nature of the updates in the read model we must assume that data presented to the user can be stale sometimes. However, that issue is present only when we use views generated on the server side. Modern web applications use wide variety of technologies on the view layer apart of server side generated pages so it is pretty simple to trigger view refresh when data update is captured in read model. By the way, there is Grails Atmosphere Plugin which provides smooth integration with Atmosphere framework – AjaxPush/Comet framework.
Implementing a CQRS architecture requires quite a lot of “plumbing” and boilerplate code. Much of that code is project-independent and quite error-prone to do right. Axon aims at providing the basic building blocks, which are needed in most CQRS-style applications. Event dispatching, for example, is typically an asynchronous process, but you do want guaranteed delivery and, in some cases, sequential delivery. Axon provides building blocks and guidelines for the implementation of these features. Besides these core-components, Axon wants to make integration with third party libraries possible. Think of frameworks and libraries such as JMS, MQ and Spring Integration.
The above was said by Allard Buijze, the author of Axon Framework. It perfectly sums up the reasons standing behind creating the framework and the areas in which Axon can help us to develop applications compliant with CQRS model. In my opinion it is brilliant framework, very well designed, open for extension. What is more it provides simple implementation of particular CQRS building blocks like event store, event bus, etc. which can be used straightforward in our application.
As promised in the previous entry I am continuing series of Groovy posts. Starting from simple introduction we are moving to intermediate and advanced topics in the future posts.
What is Groovy’s origin?
Everything started in 2003 when James Strachan (official Groovy creator) wrote to Bob McWhirter:
Wouldn’t it be “groovy” if we could have native syntax for lists, maps and regexs in Java like in most scripting languages?
Wouldn’t it by “groovy” if we could have duck typing in Java?
Wouldn’t it be “groovy” if we had closures and properties in Java?
Certainly it would be “groovy” as a result of what we have brilliant scripting language on the JVM.
Groovy is a dynamic language for Java Virtual Machine. It is compiled directly to byte code which is then executed on the JVM alongside Java byte code. It is one of the main strengths of the language because it uses the same API, I mean JDK, collections, etc. as Java, has the same security and threading models and finally the same object oriented concepts.
Talking about Groovy’s complementary to Java nature joint-compilation term must be mentioned.
Have a look at the following diagram:
Groovy class can implement Java interface and such Groovy class can be extended by another Java class. The same way, Java class can implement Groovy interface and such class can be extended by Groovy class.
Such behavior is possible thanks to joint-compilation. How does it work? Groovy compiler parses the Groovy source files and creates stubs for them, then invokes the Java compiler which compiles the stubs along with Java source files. After that, Groovy compiler continues normal compilation.
Java vs Groovy
Simple class in Java:
public class HelloWorld{
private String name;
public void setName(String name){ = name;
public String getName(){
return name;
public String greet(){
return "Hello " + name;
public static void main(String[] args){
HelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorld();
The same class in Groovy:
public class HelloWorld{
private String name;
public void setName(String name){ = name;
public String getName(){
return name;
public String greet(){
return "Hello " + name;
public static void main(String[] args){
HelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorld();
As you can see, Groovy compiler perfectly compiles Grovy code which is exactly the same as in Java.
So where is the difference? Why Groovy is called “Java on steroids”?
Here is a class doing the same as the one above:
class HelloWorld{
String name
String greet(){
"Hello $name"
def helloWorld = new HelloWorld(name: "Groovy")
println helloWorld.greet()
Now the differences should be clear.
Groovy features based on the above code snippet:
everything is public if not stated differently
automatic getters and setters
semicolons at the end of the line are optional
variable interpolation using GStrings
return statement is optional; function returns value returned by the last statement
dynamic typing using def keyword
Groovy tries to be as natural as possible for Java developers, however there are some differences which should be mentioned and remembered:
floating point number literals are BigDecimal type by default
Groovy uses default importswhich means that the following packages are imported by default:*
operator == means equals for all types; if you need to check identity use method is() like
operator in is a keyword
array in Java can be declared as follows int[] arr = {1,2,3,4}; but in Groovy we need int[] arr = [1,2,3,4]
Native syntax for data structures
def list = [1,’a’]
def map = [PL:’Poland’, UK:’United Kingdom’] – keys are strings by default
def range = 10..15
assert range.size() == 6
assert range.get(1) == 11
assert range instanceof java.util.List
Except operators which are common with Java, Groovy supports a list of additional operators:
spread operator (*.)
used to invoke action on all items of a given aggregate object
object*.action which is equivalent to object.coolect{ child->child?.action }
assert [‘a’, ‘bb’]*.size() == [1, 2]
Java field (.@)
Groovy automatically creates getters for all properties in a class
operator allows getting property value directly, without using getter method
if user is null, variable phoneNumber will get null value instead of throwing NullPointerException
Closures, one of the “grooviest” features in my opinion. It can be defined as reusable piece of code which can be passed around as it was a string or an integer.
{ println "Hello World!" }
Closures like functions, can get arguments and return values.
{ name -> println "Hello $name" }
{ number -> number * number }
Moreover they can be assigned to variables.
def closure = { a,b -> a + b }
Closures can access variables which are in particular closure scope, which is quite obvious. However variables defined within the scope which closure is defined in can be accessed as well.
Idea about writing something about Groovy programming language came to my mind when I looked at Tiobe Programming Community Index for October 2013.
Here is the index:
Firstly, I would like to write a few words summarizing how the index is produced.
Tiobe takes into consideration programming languages fulfilling the following two criteria:
language should have an own wikipedia page clearly saying that it concerns a programming language
The rating itself is calculated by counting hits of the most popular search engines containing for example Google, Youtube, Baidu, Wikipedia, Amazon, Blogger, etc.
As you can see Groovy is at 18th position. It entered the TOP 20 for the first time. Moreover, if you look at its position on October 2012, the change is really impressing. Let’s hope that Groovy will hold its upward trend for the next few months.
I have been really impressed by the Spring Integration project recently so I decided to write a few words about it.
Just to make a quick introduction:
Spring Integration can be described as an extension of the Spring programming model which supports Enterprise Integration Patterns.
It enables lightweight messaging within Spring-based applications and supports integration with external systems via declarative adapters. Those adapters provide a higher level of abstraction over Spring’s support for remoting, messaging, and scheduling.
In my opinion the biggest advantage of the project is fact that it provides simple model to build enterprise applications while maintaining separation of concerns at the same time. It results in testable, maintainable and easy to change code. Code in services is responsible only for business logic, while executing services’ methods, synchronous/asynchronous communication, etc. is described in configuration and handled by the framework.
Another aspect of the project I really like is fact that it introduces messaging model into your application. I mean introducing messaging into communication between modules/layers or even particular services in the application. Many people pigeonholes messaging as way to integrate with external systems. I agree that it perfectly suits into such scenarios but why not use it to integrate modules and services which belongs to the same application? Spring Integration provides us with clear and simple tooling to support such architecture.
Let’s move to an example.
Consider simple case where we have a queue of credit card transactions which are to be processed. Transaction under 10000$ are processed by one service while transactions over 10000$ are processed by another one.
What we need is Transaction class:
public class Transaction {
private BigDecimal amount;
public Transaction(BigDecimal amount){
this.amount = amount;
public BigDecimal getAmount(){
return amount;
Transactions under 10000$ processing service:
public class TransactionProcessingService {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TransactionProcessingService.class);
public void process(Transaction transaction){"process in TransactionProcessingService; amount=" + transaction.getAmount());
Transactions over 10000$ processing service:
public class AntiMoneyLoundryService {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AntiMoneyLoundryService.class);
public void process(Transaction transaction) {"process in AntiMoneyLoundryService; amount=" + transaction.getAmount());
[TransactionProcessingService] process in TransactionProcessingService; amount=9999 [AntiMoneyLoundryService] process in AntiMoneyLoundryService; amount=90000
As we can notice, messages were properly forwarded by the router element to the appropriate services.
Java code should be self explanatory. Have a closer look at Spring configuration file.
In line 8 input channel is defined with id transactions. It defines a point to point message channel to which messages can be send and from which they can be fetched.
Line 9 introduces router element. A Router determines the next channel a message should be sent based on the incoming message. Code in expression attribute is a SpEL expression to be evaluated at runtime. In the example presented the expression evaluates to a channel name. The other way to map the result to the channel name is using a mapping sub element.
The condition based on which channel is chosen can be also implemented in POJO.
Lines 11-12 contain service-activator definitions. A Service Activator is a component that invokes a service based on an incoming message and sends an outbound message based on the value returned by the service invocation.
Lines 13-16 contain simple beans definitions.
What do we get as a result of such design?
There is no coupling between TransactionProcessingService and AntiMoneyLoundryService.
Choosing the right service is fully handled by Spring Integration. The choose is based on condition placed in the configuration, not in the code itself.
These are the advantages of Spring Integration which we can see based on that simple example.
What is more, Spring Integration introduces and in some way enforces us to design our domain in an event-drive manner. If properly designed it perfectly mirrors the real world. We all live in event-driven environment. Each day we receive so many messages: mails, phone calls, text messages, RSS feeds, just to name a few. Software we produce, the business domain is like a slice of the real world. To increase success of the project the domain we model should reflect the real world the most accurately. Spring Integration is nearly a perfect tool to model that event-driven nature of any business we create software for.
Personally, I truly recommend deeper dive into that part of the Spring ecosystem. I am almost sure that no one will be disappointed.